Monday, February 14, 2011


Last Sunday I dropped Micah (Boston bound) and my Dad (Utah bound) off at DFW. I decided to stay with my Mom while the men were out of town. Sounded like a great idea, except well, we are a disaster together....

On Monday, Mom let Barley out in the backyard to play with the other dogs. The backyard was very muddy. Barley attempts to come back in the house, but he is so muddy there is just no way. I get on my rain boots and am going to wash him outside, but there are no hoses hooked up. And I would have to traipse him back through the mud to get inside. Mom keeps insisting that we put him in her shower and wash him off. But, how are we going to carry a muddy 116 lb dog across the house? Well, I come up with the brilliant idea to put him in a tote.  We lift sweet Barley into the tote, and then push him around the house. I'm laughing so hard I can barely pull the tote. We get Barley into the bathroom, I hose him down and he's good as new.

Tuesday we behave ourselves.

Wednesday we are very productive during our snow day! We make Nutella Cookies, do Yoga, stop by the library, and Mom hangs 2 of my new blinds.

Thursday morning, Mom tells me the story of her thinking that there was a baby chick?? in the garage, so she scoops it up and is trying to put it in a bowl in the house when it comes to. It wasn't a baby chick at all but a little tiny bird. Mom and I spend 15 minutes screaming and waving around a sheet (Mom) and a leopard print scarf (me) trying to get the bird to go outside. The bird would fly near the door, feel the wintery cold and come right back into the warm house. Once we had thoroughly worn out the bird Mom was able to throw a sheet on top of it and put it outside. Why she ever thought there was a baby chick in the garage is beyond me.

Thursday evening I'm heating up the oil to put some pork chops in. I guess I let the oil get a little too hot, because when I poured the pork chops in along with the marinade that they were marinating in, a three foot flame erupted. One of us was calmly reaching down to get a lid to put out the fire (me), while another was running around the house screaming (Mom). Barley was looking perplexed with all of the very loud smoke detectors going off. I couldn't even reach down to get the lid, and the fire went out all on its own. So really it was nothing major at all. Thank goodness I didn't torch the place.

Friday morning I'm heading out to go to Boston, and Mom is graciously helping me load the car. I'm backing out of the driveway and hear scraping noises. Hmmm, maybe left over ice in the driveway? I get out and inspect the front of the car. Nothing amiss. Get back in car, reverse. I hear noises again. Then alarm bells start ringing. Mom put the suitcase behind the car but not in the trunk. Therefore I have just run over my beautiful new PURPLE suitcase. The sadness.

Well we survived one week. Let's see what week 2 brings. Dad catches a flight out tomorrow morning, and Micah & Dad don't return until Thursday. Pray for us.

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